saros five page 4

‘Who the hell is this guy?' asked Valla, but she was ignored:

'What do you mean work? And what's this we business?'

'So many questions, Doctor.'

'But not enough answers,' said Valla. 'Would one of you please tell me what the hell is going on.'

The Doctor turned to Valla, 'I would very much like to know myself.' and he moved over to their new companion who was now emptying the contents of his holdall onto one of the consoles before him.

'It's simple: the Dalek creatures must not achieve their goal.' he said and continued to dismantle the console to gain access to its inner workings.

'I am well aware of what it is the Daleks are after and for what purpose and I am completely in control of the situation,' snapped the Doctor.

'The situation is out of control and we must rectify it before it is too late.' The man appeared calm as he continued to carry out his work.

The Doctor wasn't getting very far and he was fit to burst with anger.

Valla moved over towards the console. 'So what is it you're doing?' she asked a little apprehensive at what the reply might be.

The man ignored her.

She looked at the Doctor for some answers, but none came. At this point Valla's patience was wearing thin and she picked up her weapon and aimed it squarely at the man's head. 'I don't know who you are, but I want some answers now!'

The man stood up and looked at her.

'This isn't the way Valla!' said the Doctor moving over to her side in an attempt at getting her to lower her weapon.

'Then someone better open up.'

'Are all humans so hot headed?' asked the man calmly and continued to work on the console, completely ignoring Valla.

Valla was somewhat dumb struck at the man's obstinacy.

'Valla, listen. This man, he's from Gallifrey.'

'Yes, my home planet. Sent here to interfere.'

'Interfere?' interrupted a voice from beneath the console.

'Yes! Interfere!' snapped the Doctor.

The Time Lord stopped what he was doing and moved over to the Doctor and Valla's side. 'Doctor, you constantly interfere in the affairs of others, this is known, but events here are completely out of control and therefore I must do what is necessary.'

'Interfere.' said Valla

'Exactly,' said the Time Lord, 'I must restore the balance that could effect the future, not only here but throughout time itself.'

'And how do you propose to do that?' asked the Doctor, who had now taken to sulking and sat himself at one of the consoles.

'By removing this planet from its place and time.'

'But you could do untold damage to this solar system.' The Doctor jumped up from his seat and over towards the console at which the Time Lord had been working and examined exactly what he had been working on. 'Don't you realise, there are four other planets orbiting this star system any of which could be inhabited?'

'We have carefully examined the details of Saros and found that there are no life forms in this system.'

'But you've forgotten one thing,' said the Doctor, who stood square on with his fellow Time Lord. 'The Earth colonists that are reaching out to this system.'

'Events are at the stage where we can,' the Time Lord paused, realising exactly what it was he was about to say, but the Doctor knew exactly what was to follow:

'Change the course of history by allowing the colonists to die.'

'What?!' declared Valla, who now levelled her weapon at the Time Lord, but he was unmoved by her sudden outburst. 'Just who gives you the right to interfere with our lives?'

'Remember. The events that have occurred here thus far, are not of the High Council's doing but of the Dalek creatures.'

‘But I'm still alive,' said Valla,' Something they, the Daleks, overlooked.'

'An oversight?' he asked, 'No. The Doctor's interference here? Yes. You, earthling, should be dead.'

Valla stood back from both Time Lords. This was just too much to take in. Here, before her stood two men to take in. Here, before her stood two men who had the power to control her life.

The Doctor walked away from the Time Lord and peered out of the viewing window - the Dalek ship was showing no signs of life and his thoughts were now of Ace.

The Time Lord continued with his work.

The Doctor moved over to Valla who clearly was finding it hard to come to terms with. Should she thank him for interfering in her life by saving it or should she allow him to continue with the events at hand and completely wipe out which could become one of the greatest colonial conquests of a star system.

'The Time Lord's right,' whispered the Doctor, 'events here are completely out of my hands. If the Daleks so control Saros Five, they would have at their disposal, the greatest source of Taranium which could mean infinite power for their time machines - and events would spiral out of control throughout time and mankind would never reach the stars.'

Valla looked up at him. 'Would it also mean your lot would cease to exist?'


'Then it may not be such a bad thing after all.'

'Valla, listen to me,' the Doctor said and grabbed her arm firmly, but she pulled away.' If I were able to change any of the events here I would, but I cannot undo what has already been done. But by being here I have inadvertently saved your life and therefore given you a future.'

The Time Lord looked up from the console: 'I've nearly completed my work here, Doctor. We must prepare to leave at once.'

There was a sudden explosion which resounded throughout the base, 'Perhaps,' said Valla, 'my future's about to be taken away from me.' and with that she ran out into the corridor.

'Valla! Wait!' shouted the Doctor.

'Go, Doctor!' shouted back Valla, 'Save Ace and get the hell out of here.'

'This is futile!'

'No, Doctor. This is my future.' and with that Valla disappeared into the corridor beyond which was engulfed by smoke and debris.

'Doctor.' stated the Time Lord, 'Time.'

'I assume you came here in a TARDIS?' asked the Doctor.

'Of course.'

'That works?'

'Just about.'

'Well, don't just stand there, let's move.' and with that, both Time Lords left the communications room and followed Valla out down the corridor towards one of the airlocks. As the Time Lords turned into another they came face to face with a squad of Daleks opening fire indiscriminately. The Doctor noticed the body of Valla at their feet. Her fate had been sealed. 'She could have come with me.' he whispered and they both retreated back to find another way to one of the airlocks.


Ace and Zaran had begun to set the timers on the cans of Nitro-9. 'That should be enough to blow this thing shy high,' said Ace and collecting her rucksack made for the exit out of the room and into the corridor. Zaran followed slowly behind, the pain was too great for him and found it hard to concentrate.

Ace looked back at him as he sunk to the floor. She moved over to him to offer help, but he pushed her away.

'No. Leave me.'

'I can't, you'll be killed.

'All the better,' he struggled to fight the pain. 'Ace, find your own way out of here, I can't move any should find an exit ramp on the next go!' he shouted, 'Go!'

Hesitating slightly, Ace ran cautiously down the corridor indicated by Zaran to find an exit up to the next level, as she looked back Zaran's body slumped to the floor.

Meanwhile the Doctor and his fellow Time Lord had managed to locate an airlock in fully working condition the only one remaining and so prepared to leave the base.

'Just where is this TARDIS of yours?' asked the Doctor.

'Not far,' was the reply.

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